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Old 6th October 2020, 01:59 AM   #5
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Here are more photos of this British officers lionhead dragoon sword, which appears to have been retailed by Read, a cutler in Dublin c. 1770.
I have added another light dragoon sword of the four slot category but with two guard branches, also of c. 1770 for comparison.

I have added photo of the F and 3 which are seen on the blade parallel near back and edge.

The light dragoon is unmarked and with a German montmorency section blade of 35.5", and iron hilt.

The illustration from "London Silver Hilted Swords" (Leslie Southwick, 2001, plate 8) is of of a similar hilt style, lionhead c.1775 by Willian Kinman and the blade from Drury (Birmingham cutler). This illustrates the lionhead pommel style hilts popular in 1770s.
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