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Old 4th October 2020, 04:40 AM   #1
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Default British lionhead dragoon officer 4 slot hilt

This ivory grip lion head officers sword appears to be for light dragoons officer of c.1770. The four slot guard was well established at this time with its apparent advent in c. 1760s, and light dragoon troopers had this type guard with some having two branches, iron, and tall olive pommel.

There are no markings on the montmorency type cavalry blade, similar to other blades of light dragoon swords of this period.
The only visible marking is deeply stamped READ on the hilt.
Read may apply to several cutler/outfitters in Dublin around 1770.

The most likely would be John Read, at 4 Parliament St. Dublin whose brother Edward was apprentice there as well . (as per Annis & May, 1970. p.331).

These lion head pommels were well known around this time and are known also on other hangers etc.
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