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Old 3rd October 2020, 04:34 PM   #7
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Thank you so much Victrix! that's a wonderful but poignant photo, and it must have been amazing to have been on that hallowed ground.
It is difficult to say who was or wasn't at Culloden, for that matter exactly which groups were on which side, their reasons for fighting (the politics involved were anything but clear or consistent ) or what happened in the aftermath.

I know that at least some of my ancestral clan was there, MacKinnon's, and that they were involved in assisting Prince Charlie out of the Isles through Skye.

The wonder of these old weapons is that even though we cannot say for certain they were in a certain place or at a certain time or event, they illustrate the types and often serve as examples contemporary to them.
We can believe whatever we like, and in whatever degree.

Thank you for sharing this wonderful perspective!!!
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