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Old 30th September 2020, 06:41 PM   #2
colin henshaw
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 1,429

Originally Posted by Kmaddock
Hi All
No pictures as yet
I have just purchased 2 shields and a Tulwar
Dahl and a Sudanese Beja shield
The sudanese one is quiet warped and folded (saw them in an antique shop a while back and seller was not selling, called them last week and they are happy to sell now so deal struck but I will not have in hand for a bit)

Has anyone any experience or do's and don's in getting the warp out
one side of the shield is bent a fair bit but the Boss in the centre is fine, from memory the leather was v solid just warped approx 10mm thick with a few of old staples from previous repairs

may plan was as follows

Holsters seem to get re shaped by soaking in water manipulating gently to shape and then holding in shape while drying out
might this work??

Thanks in advance for advice

Hi Ken

I just saw your post about warped leather shields. I have had this problem in the past and tried to straighten the leather out, soaking the hide and using heavy weights over time etc. However, never with much success, they usually go back to the warped position. So I try to avoid the warped/buckled examples.

Sorry not to be more positive. Please post an image(s) of the shields you mention.

Regards, Colin
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