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Old 30th September 2020, 03:28 PM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Posts: 67
Default Tboli

Hello Ian & Xas,

In terms of the textile, it's abaca but doesn't appear Tboli. It actually looks like Subanen. I'd be interested in seeing what's underneath the textile and if the scabbard has any markings or carvings.

Your thoughts on the hilt are quite accurate I think. While he's not likely too old, he was crafted and cast very well, nicely detailed. It's nice to find the old ones, which as you both noted seem a bit thinner and smaller and usually show nice wear or patina from use.

One thing to keep in mind on these Tboli hilts is that the availability of different metals or alloys was always changing. Softer bronze or brass blends created better casts and lovely patina after use. Harder or more coarse alloys created rough casts and didn't wear well over time. In the mountains, the brasscasters did their best with what they had at the time.
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