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Old 15th September 2020, 06:46 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Duccio
I tell you what I would do: cleaning the blades with a weak acid (classically white vinegar, a little diluted) and a rough rag (never anything that could cause scratches!) If the blades were very dirty or rusty (but these are not ) you can use very fine steel wool, gently. Be very careful with the blackened central part of the right knife, use double delicacy!
Proceed calmly and slowly, repeating the cleaning many times, trying to remove as much rust as possible.
The handles: for me the ideal would be to use a diluted metal cleaning product to reduce oxidation but avoid making the copper and brass elements shiny as if they were new.
But this is a matter of personal taste.
When you have finished removing what you think should be eliminated, proceed with mineral oil and a soft rag (wax on, wax off ...). In the end, the knife should not be greasy, just polished.
This is how I behave, but I imagine there are people in the forum who are much more experienced than me.
Good job to you.
I just got this Konda and think to leave the wooden handle untouched, except for a little oil to keep it from drying out...but have to see when it arrives what the white colour is. Your thoughts concerning the white ...prego...?
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