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Old 29th August 2020, 10:58 AM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default Old mamluk style hilt and mounts

Hello everybody,

I wanted to show you my last collection item,

I think an old silver european sword hilt and mounts in oriental-mamluk style ( big oxydation, first looked like bronze ).
( sadly the point/end piece of the scabbard mount is missing )

I think it comes from eastern Europa or Austria

I have two questions maybe you can answer:

first about decorations:

Does anybody know what represent the eagle/griffin's head on the hilt ,
the scorpions(?) or blossom-flowers on the mounts
and especially the face on the guard ?

The second more structural for a weapon:

Does anybody know how they fixed the blade in ?
With resin-lead or other stuff like they made for talwar per example ?
Or was it just made for gala-representation and not fixed at all ?

If fixed like on tulwars, how could they remove it without heating damage ??

Kind regards
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