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Old 27th August 2020, 10:14 AM   #33
Join Date: Jun 2009
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Yes Alan, I also thought about it.

There are even more tripartite elements - the central blade appears to be triangular (we see it clearly on Michael's Trisula), it has three swellings.

Of importance is also the symbol at the base of blade. On bronze Trisula we possibly see the motif of Trisula beeing repeated three times, every time augmented, and the first time the central element is in a shape of Gunungan.

There is one more Trisula, roughly of the same kind but even simpler then Michael's, in the "Kraton Jogja" book, page 148 (chapter "Heirlooms"). It lacks the tripartite Methuk, the last swelling at the point (blade perhaps shortened), and in that picture we see the backside of Trisula, so we dont know if there is a symbol on front side at the base of blade.

In any case the indentation (as transition from base of blade/Methuk to the middle edge) recalls the shape of Gungungan, as perhaps does also the shape of the swelling in the middle of central blade (Michael's blade is different in this very last aspect).
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Last edited by Gustav; 27th August 2020 at 12:30 PM.
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