Thread: keris palembang
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Old 17th August 2020, 09:23 AM   #11
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Hello Jean,

You beat me to it! Seems we agree pretty much.

The dapur of the blade looks Javanese but it may rather be from Palembang for the following reasons:
. The blade looks rather short, less than 35 cm?
. Pamor keleng
. Shape of the greneng, jenggot, twin lambe gajah, and gonjo (top view).
. The fitting of the blade into the scabbard is so neat that it looks original.
Palembang blades of this style can be very small to really large.

Pamor keleng is also not unheard of with keris Jawa that focus on garap; thus, I'd prefer to leave pamor out of the equation.

Yup, most Palembang blades seem to approach gonjo of nyirah cecak style. (Except for those keris Palembang which are obviously Bugis-influenced or based on Sumatran styles, pretty much all prabot details seem to be borrowed from keris Jawa or keris Sunda.)

Yes, the crosspiece fit seems original; however, it could have been crafted for an imported blade, too.

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