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Old 16th August 2020, 01:24 PM   #5
Join Date: Apr 2019
Posts: 144
Default Corok

Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
This word "corok" is a word that seems to have entered the keris lexicon quite recently.

Does anybody know when it started to be used, and by whom?

I have only ever heard it used in the sense of a stick that you use to prod somebody with --- and in one other sense that I would probably get suspended for explaining here.

Does anybody know when some obviously talented individual began to use it associated with the keris?
Hi Alan,

I’ve heard the word Corok from Jakarta Keris dealers, they use word Corok for Keris with blade length > 40cm, and Patrem for Keris with blade length < 30cm.

When they started to use it and who started it, I don’t know.

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