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Old 14th August 2020, 04:14 PM   #15
EAAF Staff
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I can surely see the similarities in workmanship between Rareis' example and Sajen's with the orange cord above. I also accept the mid-20th century dating stated by several observers above. As with Sajen's antique example shown above, not all ethnographic examples will have mounts completely of silver. One in Lew's collection had clearly seen use within the culture, but was mounted in brass and nickel silver. (I have regretted not having bought it from his Estate for myself.)

Rareis, you may wish to try polishing your mounts with silver creme. If a rich silvery luster quickly develops with black staining on your cloth, that suggests silver. Less luster, more work or traces of green on the cloth would favor nickel silver.

Of course, with later examples made after widespread tourism to an area you can never be entirely sure of the intended 'destination' of a piece, but I do believe this one is good enough to keep in your collection - at least until you find a better one that strikes your fancy.
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