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Old 8th August 2020, 08:20 AM   #1
Kmaddock's Avatar
Join Date: May 2014
Location: Ireland
Posts: 543
Default Massive Indian Khanda Hilted Firangi

Hi All

I just purchased the attached item, a huge sword with another Firangi included in the pictures for scale.

I am calling it a firangi but not getting into debate if blade is european or not, straight blade and leave it at this ;-)

Blade length is 99 cm with handle a further 18 cm.

Blade width is 6cm at widest but continues this length for most of the blase
sharp on one side only, and it is sharp.

Blade is light for size though as blade is quiet concave back of blade is 6mm for most of the length, nice springy blade of good quality.

Quiet rusty at moment but ii think under the rust is a good condition blade.

Handle is normal enough in form but just big and not overly decorative
fits my large hand well.

Has muslin like wrapping on handle and was also bound with string at one point.

Came from a v old collection indian items, all of very high quality abet rusty from bad storage.

I have ideas but i am wondering if anyone has any opinion before i put up my ideas.

Kind regards to all,

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