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Old 28th July 2020, 03:13 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by kahnjar1
Hi Dave,
A very timely subject, as we are all faced with this situation eventually!
I guess that firstly one needs to establish who the collection will pass to, and if that person holds the same interest as you do in terms of carrying on what you have started.
So... ensure that you have clear instructions included in your Will. If your beneficiary DOES NOT hold the same interest as you and may only view what you have as a source of $$$, then maybe you need to consider selling your items while you are still alive. Otherwise maybe instruct (in your Will) that your collection is sold thru a nominated reputable Auction House/Auctioneer, who specializes in Ethno (assumed) weapons.
I am sure that you do not want some unscrupulous person turning up and offering your wife/partner some amount way less than your collection is worth.
Further to my earlier comments, there is another situation which COULD occur here, and that relates to an item (likely a firearm) for which one needs a special Licence/Permit to hold. The situation we have in New Zealand, and probably valid in other countries also, relates to the spouse/ beneficiary NOT possessing a Licence. On the death of the Licence holder, the particular weapon/s then technically becomes unregistered and can be seized by the Police. So.....either one's spouse needs to have a Licence also, OR arrangements need to be made for a suitable licenced person to take possession of the item/s and arrange the sale.
Nothing is easy is it!
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