Thread: Spanish Dirk?
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Old 23rd July 2020, 09:06 PM   #16
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Thank you, Philip and Fernando. Again, my attribution of this piece to Spain was based upon the hilt bearing similarities to other knives made in the region, including the example I provided from the reference book. Nothing matched entirely, which is why I wanted to seek feedback here.

I'm grateful if this thread could be copied onto the Ethnographic forum. I still have yet to see a spear that matches this profile, but someone there likely has, and can narrow down an origin. I've yet to be convinced it isn't European in origin, so copying it to the other forum may provide that evidence. So,a s I type that, I'm thinking it doesn't make sense to have two threads. So, perhaps it could be moved and, if a non-European origin isn't established, we could discuss moving it back here. I'll let you, as a moderator, decide what is best.

Philip, I agree it is a long shot, and the similarities are not extensive, BUT the profile of the pugio does indeed have some parallels to the dagger in question. In fact, more so than anything else I've been able to find, at least regarding the junction with the hilt and the concave ricasso. Great point to make, even if there is no direct link, it is interesting to see certain forms represented/repeated on disparate pieces.

Thanks again
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