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Old 20th July 2020, 07:55 PM   #1
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Default Unusual Cutlass/Hanger, officer grade.

A friend bought this locally, and asked me what it was, I can't find anything similar. He thinks it's a UK Cutlass, I'm not so sure, not a regulation post 1796 std. one anyway. Blueing and gilt seems to indicate its an Officer grade.

Had a good look thru my British Naval Swords ref. book. Nada.

It's marked on the ricasso G G on one side and a single G on the other, traces of bluing and gilt inlayed engravings on the blade as i'd expect in 18c & earlier examples. Brass shell guard broken, missing knuckle bow, Chequered wood grip looks mostly OK. Blade much like a 1796 LC. 27-1/2 ins total, 22 ins blade. Apparently the grip is a bit small for my friend's hands...

Any info or suggestions would be appreciated, Thanks.
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Last edited by kronckew; 20th July 2020 at 08:12 PM.
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