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Old 9th July 2020, 06:28 PM   #56
Jim McDougall
Arms Historian
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Well put Fernando. It seems there are always efforts to put finite distinctions on these kinds of symbols, motif etc. but actually they become more a product of popularization and association in a commemorative or iconic sense by writers etc. of the time.
It is often hard to place dates or time frames using these kinds of markings accurately without considerable other corroboration.

That is surely the case regarding these large blades, where you note there are a number of other cup hilt examples mounted with them as well. As you note, this does suggest a particular convention toward these 'arming' blades, indicating of course use in a more combative sense militarily rather than the more civilian rapiers, where the rompepuntas served a viable function.

While all we can do is collectively discuss and speculate on these matters, it is most interesting to see all the possibilities brought together so we can all evaluate and form our own perspectives on the possibilities.
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