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Old 29th June 2020, 05:21 PM   #4
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Posts: 179

Hi Motan,

Thank you very much for this valuable information, as I wasn't even sure if this dagger was Jordanian, Syrian, or Palestinian ! At least, I can now narrow down my researches to the Palestinian area, both scabbards are indeed very similar !

You say it might be from the end of the Ottoman period, so around 1920 - 1930 I guess ? That would be way earlier than I thought, and a nice surprise !

If the locals call this type of dagger a khanjar, then so will I ! And, indeed, it seems like it was carried around for some times, the blade is dented and scratched, the scabbard was repaired at least one time, and there is some very small spots of green and blue paint on it, maybe its owner was a house painter ?

Anyway, thanks again for your help !
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