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Old 28th June 2020, 02:58 PM   #11
Interested Party
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Originally Posted by JBG163
Actually, you put your blade into slightly heated Ferrochloric acid, during the time you want (just check to see the pattern coming), then, you neutralize it with sodium hydroxide solution. It will prevent the rusting process.
Interesting. How long in the sodium hydroxide? Is it heated as well. It would cause a darkening if left for a bit. Given that a bit of a typographic pattern had been achieved by the ferrochloric acid I would imagine the neutralization process would enhance the pattern. If I remember correctly we used a solution of sodium hydroxide as a bluing agent in a heated container for an extended period of time then washed and polished the carbon steel.

Thanks for the bloom steel info. I can use all the clues I can get. I need to look for some old cast steel pieces in my shop and play with them to take a look for the shear patterns as well as a control for future evaluations.
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