Thread: spanish?
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Old 21st June 2020, 06:11 AM   #4
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about halfway thru 1864 sabre. Kinda rare apparently. the 1885 has a curved pinkie rest where the 1864 has the grip going straight into the guard. People complained it was uncomfortable.

Can't see from the OP's photo which it is. Suspect it's 1885 too, as it apparently has the thicker 'rolled' edge around the bowl. the 1864 thru 1890 patterns were very similar with minor details.

I have a cut down 188? with the finger rest. whoever cut down the basket didn't like it rubbing his clothes I guess. the added finger rest shows between the tang and the sword knot hole, adding the rounded filleting. very similar to the 1887 too.

Mine: The guard has had an impact line where it was struck in a parry to an attack. Blade & guard were chromed - It's flaking off the blade...
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Last edited by kronckew; 21st June 2020 at 07:21 AM.
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