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Old 18th June 2020, 09:03 PM   #11
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Yes I missed the Description bit: ”Swords with hilts of this kind are often described as Viennese. Compare the mark of a pot of flowers on a Solingen sword in the Musée de l' Armée, Paris (Weyersberg, Solinger Schwertschmiede, p. 75) and a rapier in the Metropolitan Museum, New York (no. 1056). Another was at one time in the de Cosson Collection.”

The idea of the number representing a verse in the Bible is pure speculation on my part but I’m sure the numbers had meaning to people at the time or they wouldn’t have bothered to put it there. I got the idea from a sword in Sweden where the museum thought the four digit number referred to a Bible verse. If so, why is the sword not marked 15:18 or maybe the colon was not used in those days. It’s believed that if numbers repeated and were palindromes etc the power increased. But I’m sure the numbers meant something to start with: prayers, Bible verses, etc. People in those days were highly superstitious because they had less scientific knowledge and life was usually brutish and short.
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