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Old 14th June 2020, 03:10 AM   #2
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
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Hello Midelburgo. Beautiful cuphilt and I'm rather surprised no one has commented on it yet. I am but a novice when it comes to these, but I think you are on the right track when you mention a possible colonial connection. I know this always gets some dander up when mentioning such, but I feel it is a distinct possibility. The cup is very fine, but lacks the blade catching rim (I always forget the name!) and the brazing of metal to secure the quillons (pas d'ane, etc) are often seen in colonial settings. The grip is also a simple affair, not the double knotted copper wrap/turk's heads often seen, but again, this could still be a 'munitions' grade piece, but if so, why the fancier bowl? The m1728 blades with motto were shipped to all of Spain's colonies and are find on ship's rosters and also on many a shipwreck found in the New World. In either event, she is a real beauty and I'd love to have her for my maritime/pirate collection should you ever decide to include me in your will-
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