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Old 6th June 2020, 05:08 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 409

Kubur's note of the commemorative quality of the inscription and date (1787) has historical merit. Here's a quote from a Wiki article on the Hamaj Regency who essentially controlled the Funj Kingdom.

"Rajab's campaign in 1785 marked the end of attempts by the Hamaj to control Kordofan, which was soon after (1787) conquered by the Keira Sultanate of Darfur, which thereafter exercised effective control over all of the territory west of the White Nile. the beginning of the loss of territory to the Funj state which culminated, in 1821, with the sultans and regents controlling little outside the city of Sennar itself.[8]

More on the Hamaj of the Funj

While it may be an historical stretch, the sword may have been made in Ali Dinar's workshop in Darfur (c. 1898-1900) to commemorate his ancestors control of Kordofan and maybe his right to control it after the fall of the Mahdiya.
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