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Old 6th June 2020, 03:19 PM   #2
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According to research I did for another item halberds were produced in Upper Austria (Bad Hall, Waldneukirchen, and Steyr), Carinthia (Himmelberg), and Lower Austria in Wiener Neustadt. Pankraz Taller in Bad Hall and Peter Schreckeisen in Waldneukirchen in particular became some of the biggest halberdproducers in Europe at the time and supplied the armoury in Graz with thousands of halberds and other pole arms in the second half of 16thC until the first quarter of 17thC. No halberds were produced in Styria itself. Graz is the capital of the Styria region in Austria and was a line of defence against Ottomans from 16thC. The Austrian capital Vienna itself was besieged twice by the Ottomans in 1529 and 1683.

The Celts produced iron from the Erzberg mine in Styria which was known in Roman times. Industry formed in the area to the North of the mine with an interconnected transport system named the ”iron road.” Steyr became an arms manufacturing centre supplying the Imperial Habsburg army until end of WWI. It’s still around today as Steyr Mannlicher.

Peter Scheckeisen was a main competitor of Pankraz Taller and the mastermark looked like this:
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Last edited by Victrix; 6th June 2020 at 04:23 PM.
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