Thread: Wayana club?
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Old 2nd June 2020, 06:25 PM   #4
Tim Simmons
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Well at last it is here and it is a beauty. 1.27m long. shown next to a similar piece. The smaller version is made from a smooth close grained timber. As far as I can tell, not being an expert on timber, the new club is made from a more course grained timber and viewed with a X10 loop what I can see of the end grain appears to be a palm wood. Along with pictures of my club I am adding an example from the Smithsonian Institute to illustrate the difficulties of ageing this type of material from just looking for patina {not wanting to upset people but there is a history of darkening wood for collectors especially, for collectors of African masks} also wood like other organic materials do not oxidize or rust like metals. Anyway food for thought. Now in 2020 material like this if not antique is on the way to being so. Rubber boom , missionaries and other early extractive industries legal and illegal. I just think it is yer baby.
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