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Old 30th May 2020, 10:37 AM   #26
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Join Date: Apr 2017
Location: Sweden
Posts: 752

So what do the letters I A H I stand for?

Where would people date threaded pommel nuts generally?

What’s the meaning of the ”double” patriarchal cross? Seems this cross originated in Byzance and spread to countries like Hungary, Russia and Lithuania. Why does it appear in Portugal (Byzantic connection)? The cross may have lost its meaning but for sure it had a meaning when it was put on the blade or the smith wouldn’t have bothered with the extra effort/expense.

The cuphilts are associated with fencing. This blade is obviously not for diligent fencing techniques. So there must be a possibility that it was married to the hilt because 1) it was the only one available at the time, or 2) it was so customized for a purpose. Must also be possible that the blade was recycled in a colonial setting (e.g. Portuguese Brazil) where European products imported from afar was more scarce and precious and therefore not wasted.
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