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Old 28th May 2020, 05:42 PM   #2
Interested Party
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Default More pics and the question

These pictures begin with a December photo of the first clean up then 3 details of the same area after the etching process. The magnification is 10x.

Now the question. Does anyone else see pattern in the blade? Is this watering or did I make a mistake in the degreasing of the blade. I did in some of the test runs I wrote about in the previous post which is why I was very meticulous in the preparation for final vinegar baths. Is the pattern shown a flaw in my technique, a "wild" mechanical damascus, or something else?

A subsequent question is if this isn't a flaw in my technique should I try a stronger etchant? Natal? I have a friend who is a local chemistry teacher, so I should be able to produce it. My main worries are about its possible volatility in storage as it gets quite hot here in summer over 105f (40C).
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