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Old 26th May 2020, 09:29 PM   #8
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: NC, U.S.A.
Posts: 2,138

Wow! Fernando, you've outdone yourself! That is a beast of a sword!! (And I say that in a marvelous way!). I admit that I also thought as Jim did that it could have been perhaps colonial only in that the grip being horn and unwrapped and it's splendid but unmatched proportions led me to believe it not of standard regulation. I am imagining the man that wielded it to be of equal stature! As I am far from an expert on these, do you believe the proportions of yours were for a special military unit or troop? Was the one you mentioned in the local museum attributed to a particular regiment or smith? You are a lucky dog, my friend!
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