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Old 15th May 2020, 05:03 PM   #1
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 902
Default 6 africans Dahomey? ritual swords

Hello everybody,

I'd like to share with you these six ritual swords ,

I like the blades decorations mixed with the european guard shape influence,
they are not weapons but only ritual ceremonials

I read some were used as voodun altar or were made as a tribute of Dahomey kings ( If it's the correct origin )

We have two pieces with a man striked down by a lion
( once with a rifle gun )

two similar items but with a monkey instead the lion ( idem one with long gun )

One with a snake ? ( older I think )

One with a crocodile ? and a nice carved hilt ( older too ?...)

Don't really know if they are old pieces.

Maybe End of 19th century -first half of the 20th ?

What do you think ?

Does someone have informations about the symbolic of each animal ?

Kind regards
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