Thread: Centipede Aceh
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Old 14th May 2020, 10:07 PM   #29
Keris forum moderator
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It's not a question of dissatisfaction GP. I am just trying to understand the visual illustrations you have chosen to make your points. These Javanese keris do not have any connection whatsoever to Sumatra or, more specifically Aceh. I don't understand the connection you are attempting to make in posting them and as a collector of keris as well as one of the moderators of the keris forum i am simply trying to see to it that people on this forum, who may or may not have much background in keris, do not get confused about the intent of the keris or it's relationship, which seem rather slight, to the discussion at hand. That is all.

Last edited by David; 15th May 2020 at 12:27 AM.
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