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Old 10th May 2020, 09:26 PM   #23
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Hi Kubur

I remember your Algerian gun very well. A very good example. And glad I could help with the "part" LOL

Hi Gusko

Thank you so much for those photos. Those are the ones I was looking for. The Algerian looking guns with flintlocks versus the more common miquelet locks.
Notice too the most of the flintlocks are flat faced. That, and the general style of lock looks similar on all. Although the one has a slightly round faced like like mine. Also, notice the wood stock similarities with all. In fact, the last photo butt stock shape is almost a clone of mine.

I can certainly see where some collectors might refer to these guns as either Moroccan or Algerian style guns. In fact, I'm not 100% sure myself. LOL
Of course with the cross of these two cultures it can be confusing at times.
Thanks again Gusko for the photos. And thank you all for your comments.

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