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Old 6th May 2020, 06:14 AM   #5
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

Originally Posted by Mickey the Finn
A most interesting re-visitation of the Balinese "keris ligan" topic. Once I shake off my sluggardly stupor and get my inventory organized, I'll photograph and post pics of the one (or two) I'm currently the caretaker/custodian of. One I believe is from Bali or Lombok. The other is more definitely Javanese, and may not quite fit the criteria. Actually, both have a warangka, but... When I get around to photographing and posting the pics... But then, I recall that Mr. Maisey, for good reason, doesn't post photos of his keris… I myself have never posted naked pictures of myself anywhere online, at any time, for that matter. Now that I think about it, let me posit a question to the moderators and to anyone else who would like to "weigh in": is it "okay" to post photos of a keris I currently "own", which were taken by a third party prior to my acquisition of the keris, when such photos were taken for the consideration of prospective "buyers" of the keris?
I understand that there are multiple ways in which this question could be understood. I'm not so much concerned with the legalities of copyright (I've not asked permission of the photographer, but I certainly would do, prior to posting any third party photographs) as I am with the traditional, moral, and ethical aspects. My former fiancée once gave me a portfolio of photographs of herself, taken many years before we had ever met. I never showed a single one of them to anyone, and never posted any online. She took them back after breaking off our engagement, along with her engagement ring; all of this is unquestionably within the bounds of propriety and common practice in the "western world". If I were to consider the matter from a jurisprudential perspective, I'd say that as long as permission from the original third-party photographer of the keris had been granted, posting the photos would be "okay". The traditional, moral, and ethical perspective in "the home of the keris" is what I'm more interested in. It's 07:32 05-03-2020, and I haven't slept yet; I've spent several hours in trying to word this post as precisely as I can, but I've not been able to attain the degree of precision I would like. I hope the readers will understand the gist of the sort of feedback I'm soliciting.
Thank you.

I was told that many keris owners especially from SEAsia do not want to share their bilah full photo.

Reason: concern that the other keris makers might copy the design and thus causing the keris bilah to lose it's 'uniqueness' especially if the keris is newly made.

Another factor is due to spiritual reason.
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