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Old 4th May 2020, 05:52 PM   #1
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: St. Louis, MO area.
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Default Algerian Long Gun

Here is a new addition to the family. I got this at auction last month.

LOCK: The lock is a locally made variant of the traditional French style flintlock. Some simple decoration on the lock plate and hammer. Lock is in working order, but stiff. Have not had the lock off yet. Probably full of dirt and cobwebs LOL But I'll clean/tune it to work much better. And take before and after photos.
STOCK: The stock is in better condition than the photos show. Worn, but still solid with no cracks or damage. There is a small amount of stock decoration including worn carving on the upper wrist area (forgot to photo this). There is a broken section of wood ramrod in the lower end of the hole/groove which I will remove after I take the barrel off for cleaning. It appears there was some type of simple butt plate attached with two nails originally. I do have a well (yellowed) aged bone butt plate from another Algerian parts gun I could use. Or a flat iron piece from a similar Moroccan gun. We'll see. The stock forend travels only about 2/3-3/4 the length to the muzzle. Typical with Algerian long guns.
BARREL: The barrel is also typical Algerian. Tapered octagon, 46" long, and about .65 caliber. Don't see any marks on it. The rear sight is missing, but I have an original spare. The rear barrel band became un-soldered. But that will be an easy fix. The wood ramrod is missing, but that's another easy fix.

All together, this should be any easy project. Just a bunch of small items to restore. Nothing major.

The one interesting aspect is the butt style. Not the typical Algerian fishtail you usually see with the large miquelet lock. I've seen this butt stock style before. But can't immediately place it. Hmmmm. I'll have to check my reference material. (Should have already done that I guess).

Anyway, picture heavy. Any comments welcome.

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