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Old 25th April 2020, 07:03 PM   #4
Oliver Pinchot
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 460

Thanks for the observations. Clearly, it is Napoleonic and a private purchase piece. The chape is not deformed, that's how it's made. Germanic or Dutch makes sense, Alsace is interesting. Any thoughts on the unusual beaded guard and rather French langets?
Here are closeups of the hilt (interesting piercing in the guard) and the etched panels on either side of the blade. At about the midpoint, there is a blank section, ostensibly for the owner's name. The etching is quite good, elaborate and well-detailed but generic. So far as I can see, there are no distinctive characteristics in it which would help determine its origin.

Jimbob, you out there?!
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Last edited by Oliver Pinchot; 25th April 2020 at 08:09 PM.
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