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Old 25th April 2020, 01:36 AM   #132
shayde78's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 445

Originally Posted by Jim McDougall
My love of history had reached a third dimension as I could actually own the weapons used in events, times and places that fascinated me. With the cost of weapons usually a bit out of reach, I began buying books........and soon was studying the HISTORY of these weapons that was my passion, more than actually collecting them.
I still bought them, but aligned with things I was studying.........and was more for having singular representative examples of historic themes.
This tactile 3rd dimension of history is what compels me to invest time, energy, and no small sums of money to this hobby. That said, the conversations with those who are generous with their knowledge make it an enjoyable hobby.

Jim, I hope you go back and read post #108 from December 2012 (when you were a mere lad in your sixties). Thank you for setting a standard for those of us who pursue this interest.
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