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Old 23rd April 2020, 11:26 PM   #9
Join Date: Apr 2005
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I get an interesting mail from a good friend, my guess was correct, it's from today Southern Thailand, Pattani and or Songkhla but it seems that it was known also in other parts from Thailand since there is provided a name in Thai.
I'm with Detlef - the blades shown seem to belong to the northern Malay culture, indeed.

I'd take the info from the museum labels with a lump of salt: All 4 hilts do look like horn to me (rather than wood as stated). I'd love to get more input from our Thai forumites wether the Thai names may be possibly descriptive only, specious, modern adaptations, or real old names (surely, the Malay and Thai interacted in this region for quite a while).

I'm less sure with the placement of Ian's piece though; some better close-ups may help. The blade may have some age - the hilt seems to be a later replacement as far as I can glean from the pic...

Ian, what is the cross-section of the base of the blade? Full tang (peened)? Dimensions may also help. Thanks!

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