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Old 21st April 2020, 08:16 PM   #2
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Hello Julien,

First, two very nice sickle weapons from the Kongo and/or Central African Republic (nowadays), they are called mambeli or populidi.
Bandia and Mongelima are ethnic groups who used this weapons. The get also used by some other tribes like the Boa, Barambo, Benge, Binja, Mbudja, Kanga and some others. In older times they said the Zande are the owners of this swords but newer research tells the other. From which ethnic group your both coming I can't tell you, maybe one of our experts will be able.
I've read long time ago somewhere that this blades get used to come behind the big enemy shields to wound him and to pull down the shield but I don't know if this is true but seems logical.
Regarding the age, I would be happy when they from the first quarter of the 20th century. They are very fine worked so I guess that they fairly old.

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