Originally Posted by francantolin
Hello Ren,
Thank's a lot about your precious informations and about markharay flowers ornament !!
( I have to buy this book, only written in russian I believe ?)
about Dagestan origin, I found this one coming from an auction and said to come from Dagestan and pretty looks like...
Kind regards- Happy Eastern
Hello francantolin!
It's my pleasure!
The book “History of the ornament of Dagestan” by Paruk M. Debirov was published in Russian by the Moscow publishing house “Nauka” in 2001 (Парук Муртазалиевич Дебиров "История орнамента Дагестана", Москва, издательство "Наука", 2001). This is a very interesting book for ethnographers and art historians, but it does not have much information for connoisseurs of edged weapons.
In decorating Dagestan’s weapons, two main motifs of floral ornaments were used - “markharay” (meaning “climbing thicket”) and “tutta” (meaning “floral stem”).
Markharay is based on intersecting spirals. Tutta is a symmetrical ornament with a stem in the central line, from which branches with leaves and flowers extend.
Thank you for your congratulations, but this year the Orthodox celebrate Easter on April 19

With the Great Holiday of all Western Christians!