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Old 3rd April 2020, 10:17 AM   #3
Join Date: Jul 2014
Posts: 409

Hi Oliver, most officers sabre's like this were private purchased , but this type of flat lion head on the pommel leans more to the German or Dutch style. ( Belgium and Holland the Dutch were one country at the time )
However this does not mean it can't be French , it could just as well be from the Alsac region, what we can say for sure it that its between 1790 and 1810 it could be an officers hussars sabre or a chasseur a cheval.
A detailed picture of the engraving on the blade could shed some more light on it, it looks a bit unusual but that might just be because its lacking detail.
There also seems to be damage to the tip of the scabbard, its a bit deformed.
kind regards
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