Originally Posted by A. G. Maisey
Some years ago a team from a major US university visited Candi Panataran and photographed everything. I also have photographs of most of the Panataran carvings, but the study of this type of thing is a very specialised field and the end result of any analysis is perhaps only of interest to academics specialising in this field.
I'm not surprised that you do Alan....But how will i ever get funding for MY trip if you tell everyone!
Just to be clear , when i used the word "forging" i was not referring to "forgery", but to the actual act of making the blade.

As Alan has pointed out, the forgery of such an artifact would be pointless.
Perhaps these were meant to be axe heads, but to me they look very similar to a type of herb gathering knife with a scythe-like blade that can be found in many parts of the world.
I wasn't really assuming any talismanic purpose Alan, just throwing it out there. Still i would think that there must be some significance that it is being held in this manner by a nobleman who might be a descendant of the gods. I would imagine that whatever it's purpose it must have been somewhat important, whether for mundane or spiritual reasons. Why would he be holding it otherwise and not some other type of blade or implement?