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Old 23rd March 2020, 11:59 PM   #24
Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 3,255

Hello Alan,

I reckon that pedang is probably as good as anything else, but if, just if we wish pay a nod of respect to what Balinese people themselves might refer to this sword as I think perhaps "Keris Pedang" or the older, more traditional "Keris Tewek" might be the way to go.

The definition of "tewek" is "a keris that is shaped like a sword".

Now, this requires us to think in a Balinese way about what a keris actually is, and that Balinese way aligns more closely with Pre-Islamic Jawa than with Islamic Jawa.
Thanks for chiming in here!

Could you please expand why such a piece would be regarded by Balinese as "a keris that is shaped like a sword" rather than "a sword that is shaped like a sword"?

Is keris used here in a wider sense encompassing what would be regarded as tosan aji in Jawa?

Thanks in advance!

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