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Old 20th March 2020, 01:38 AM   #1
shayde78's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 445
Default I know my Pappenheims...

...actually, I don't. Despite knowing one by sight, I realized my standard references had very little information on these. Even this esteemed forum only produced two threads when I searched for 'Pappenheim'. So, it was with very little knowledge that I took a chance and bid on a lot of swords that included this item identified as a "reproduction basket hilt sword".

So, after a long absence from this forum (I owe some of you responses for your helpful feedback to my now year-old last posts), I ask you good folks if you think it was worth the chance. I had only 3-4 poor pictures to go by in the description of the lot. Still, I could just make out a possible maker's name (C L E M E N) on the ricasso. The condition of the grip, the oxidation on the bars of the hilt, the piercing of the plate guard, the period correct pommel (as best I can tell)...tell me, did I get seduced by my own wishful thinking, or did I get a steal??
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