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Old 4th March 2020, 07:25 AM   #3
Anthony G.
Join Date: Mar 2018
Posts: 470

These items are old especially for wood which is old and fragile, therefore it is easy subject to breakage and damage.

From the picture, I felt that the item can be packed better. I have 2 incidents to share as well.

1) I bought an old keris from USA and ship by UPS. They also claimed that they are not able to honor the damage due to poor dealer packaging (despite I bought shipping insurance). I just glue back the damaged part and dealer gave me some discount. The next purchase which he wrapped the keris with thick bubble pack and put in a box surrounded by 'air-bag'. That keris arrives safe and sound in one piece.

2) I made a Balinese warangka which is painted type. It is shipped to me and it arrives broken with chipped paint. The packaging is similar to what you have in this photo. What can I do except I 'cried'. I lost 360USD for that broken warangka. I have to spend money to make a new piece.
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