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Old 3rd March 2020, 10:36 PM   #13
Keris forum moderator
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Originally Posted by Mickey the Finn
I've acquired keris billed as antique which I was (and still am) convinced were made no earlier than two years before I acquired them. One was marketed as a Balinese dhapur Balebang, with a kembang kacang about halfway down the wilah. It doesn't fit any dhapur in any book I've ever consulted. I bought it because I thought it was interesting, and I have no regrets. If anything is marketed as having belonged to "a senior abdi dalem of the Solokarta Court", that's a different matter altogether, and I'll pass on it, sight unseen.
Mickey, the keris you describe that was sold as a Bali dhapur Balebang sounds a bit like Kebo Giri/Mahesa Kanthong. If so it is very much a dhapur that can be found in books and pakem. If this is not the dhapur then perhaps you could post some photos and maybe someone here could help you identify it.
BTW, i too would be skeptical of anyone claiming that a keris they were selling was once owned by "a senior abdi dalem of the Solokarta Court", mostly because there is no court i know of called "Solokarta". It is either "Surakarta" or "Solo".
See the dhapur in the middle of this illustration. It might match your mystery dhapur.
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