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Old 1st March 2020, 06:27 PM   #8
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I don't know what it is, but I can say a few things.

First there is nothing Tunisian.
Note that Tunisia was under Ottoman control.
Second the star of Solomon is not Jewish here but a popular Islamic talisman.
This seal is common on yataghans as a good luck charm.
As noted the hilt is not Algerian, not the typical ears.
But the blond rhino horn (giraffe?) is typical with Algerian yataghans.
Yes Elgood mentionned export to North Africa but Algerian yataghans were produced in Algeria. Please buy the book on Algerian weapons.

Overall it might be Algerian but there is not enough proofs to say anything and as it is, it's just a beautiful Ottoman yataghan.
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