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Old 1st March 2020, 05:32 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by TVV
While the ears of the hilt are not the typical type for North Africa, this piece could very well be from Algeria. I am attaching a similar small yataghan sold by Oriental Arms that has an unmistakably North African hilt. The scabbards are very similar in construction and decoration. These weapons were probably made in the Balkans and exported to Algeria.
I know that a lot of Ottoman arms originate in the Balkans, I do however entertain the thought that maybe at least part of this one is made in Africa. So Im persisting in my research. I found silver hallmarks but they are really blured out. i will post photos later.

There is a high probability that there is some algerian connection. There is a yatagan here:

If you look past that its gold and larger, the scabbard is very similar in decoration.

The hilt does not look like most other algerian yatagans that is why Im a little puzzeled. I can see no indication that it would have been altered. The yatagan is more like a large knife, 54cm without scabbard, that may have something to do with the siza of the handle.

This has a similar shaped hilt and is attributed to Tunisia:

There is also this one with a less similar scabbard but still in the same style. It is in the swedish royal armory and labeled Algerian.
Attached Images

Last edited by Drabant1701; 1st March 2020 at 06:20 PM.
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