Thread: Tortuga
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Old 23rd February 2020, 05:49 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Tyneside. North-East England
Posts: 566
Default Queen

I think, as much fun as it is to explore this topic, there are two factors that remain unaccounted-for: one is 'Queen' of Tortuga; the other is 'Portuguese'.
This is where I grind to a halt.
The re-hilting of this blade indicates a degree of reputation I feel; anything mundane would indicate a simple 'make do and mend' approach that was common amongst pirates or sundry militia, but a silver hilt such as this speaks of value.
This style of hilt is late 1800s right?
Here's a question I have wanted an answer to for some time now:
can deeply embossed script be put into an old blade?
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