Thread: Tortuga
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Old 23rd February 2020, 02:35 PM   #5
Join Date: Sep 2017
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Default what God wants

Thank-you very much for this; I certainly never found it, despite endless searching online.
I've now read a few Google entries on this lassie: great stuff - a true Boys' Own adventure story personified... for girls. I always felt Geena Davis was a myth too far, but perhaps I was wrong; very easy on the eye though.
So, what does everyone think? (Of the blade - not Geena Davis.)
Main problem: where does Portuguese come into it?
Obviously it is not one of her blades, although it is a mite short for a trans' rap': 32inches compared to a similar style and period trans' rap' I own (also re-hilted - I think: see pic) which is 39inches.
Of course, if it was for maritime use, then the shorter length is virtually obligatory.
Does anyone recognize what is left of the maker mark; and the letter R? First glance I thought the Wundes family, but closer examination and out-referencing (Jim McDougall) proved it is much more likely the top of a shield.
Exciting stuff this!
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