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Old 20th February 2020, 01:18 AM   #7
xasterix's Avatar
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Posts: 667

Originally Posted by CharlesS
I bought this because it was a bargain, and in such good shape. I recognized it as Filipino, but admittedly know nothing more about it. I am only recently starting to study N. Filipino blades.

So, with that, I'd appreciate any info on this sword.

Overall length: 23.25in.
Blade length: 17in.
Blade's widest point: 1.75in.
Sorry for necro-ing- but consistent to my quest to give due credit to Southern Luzon blades, I would like to assert that this is a Taal-made blade, as evidenced by the following:

1. Scabbard pattern
2. Horsehoof- type hilt consistent of other providenced Taal blades
3. Blade profile classified in Taal as 'kinampit' (not to be mistaken with the 'kinampit' profile of Panay, Visayas blades).

I'll provide samples to prove points 1 & 2.

MPM is a Taal maker who signed his blades, along with another maker known as JC. As you can clearly see from one of the pictures, MPM placed TAAL below his initials.
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