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Old 16th February 2020, 03:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 1,250
Default Are there any issues importing Wooden War Clubs from the U.K.

As of late, I have been looking at several auctions in the U.K. that have war clubs (Fijian, Samoan,etc.), featured and I had thought of possibly bidding on them. I certainly would not bid on any sword or knife that had a bone or ivory component as I am sure that this would cause instant Customs confiscation. I just want to make sure that there aren't any issues with the authorities in regards to rare or exotic woods(i.e. Truffula Tree wood from Lorax), or possible bug infestation problems from old wormholes.
If anyone has any experience with the importation of these items I would appreciate knowing how they fared.
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