Originally Posted by mariusgmioc
Usually only the front side has the protruding rivets, while the back has them flatternd flush with the surface of the hilt (if it weren't like this the protruding rivets would hurt the wearer).
I also notice the fullers are not straight, proof of very poor workmanship.
Moreover, the overall condition of the kindjal is very, very poor and I don't think it's worth the effort to be restored.

Thanks guys. I thought that based on other examples I had looked at but these rivets looked to be gouged out or broken which made me question. Lots of odd stuff on this one. Working on getting the black silicon off the handle, no idea why that is there. I at first thought the handle was wood. but now I'm not sure, does have some woodish texture to it but also doesn't seen like wood. The fullers are also very odd. One side seem to start from under the handle and go straight. The other side is more what I would expect, a short central fuller and two longer ones on either side.